TLS was last updated
on June 12, 2024.

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Team Scouting Report
(As Of 06/10/2024)
Section - Southern
Area - GA - Atlanta
League - USTA Atlanta Summer - 40 & Over Weekday Women
Flight - 3.5 Women (Elena Cosper)
Subflight - Group 1
Atlanta AC (Jodi Gustafson)*
League Record: 4 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Lori Kallensee - 3.29
Valerie McMichael - 3.25
Jodi Gustafson - 3.25
Clare Manning - 3.24
Katie Mays - 3.21
Tina Ballon - 3.20
Melissa Cusimano - 3.20
Candace Smith - 3.20
Nicole Lane - 3.17
Nancy Geraghty - 3.16
Alison Gibbs - 3.06
Blair Hardy - 3.02
Kirsten Scott - 2.91
Jill Aycock - 2.90
Susan Moss - 2.89
Cheryl Evers - 2.89
Tess Alecxih - 2.82
Susan Naddra - 2.79
Kitchi Joyce - 2.78
Leah winkler - 2.77
Lynn Ganote - 2.64
Patty Hopper - 2.44
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Cheryl Evers - 2.89 & Lynn Ganote - 2.64 1 - 0
Cheryl Evers - 2.89 & Alison Gibbs - 3.06 0 - 1
Jodi Gustafson - 3.25 & Nancy Geraghty - 3.16 1 - 0
Jodi Gustafson - 3.25 & Lori Kallensee - 3.29 2 - 0
Jodi Gustafson - 3.25 & Candace Smith - 3.20 1 - 0
Jodi Gustafson - 3.25 & Melissa Cusimano - 3.20 0 - 1
Jodi Gustafson - 3.25 & Clare Manning - 3.24 1 - 0
Susan Naddra - 2.79 & Leah winkler - 2.77 0 - 1
Susan Naddra - 2.79 1 - 1
Nancy Geraghty - 3.16 & Blair Hardy - 3.02 1 - 0
Nancy Geraghty - 3.16 & Valerie McMichael - 3.25 1 - 0
Nancy Geraghty - 3.16 & Nicole Lane - 3.17 1 - 0
Nancy Geraghty - 3.16 & Clare Manning - 3.24 0 - 1
Nancy Geraghty - 3.16 & Tina Ballon - 3.20 1 - 0
Kirsten Scott - 2.91 0 - 2
Lori Kallensee - 3.29 & Melissa Cusimano - 3.20 2 - 0
Leah winkler - 2.77 & Patty Hopper - 2.44 0 - 1
Leah winkler - 2.77 0 - 1
Candace Smith - 3.20 & Clare Manning - 3.24 1 - 0
Candace Smith - 3.20 0 - 1
Blair Hardy - 3.02 & Katie Mays - 3.21 1 - 0
Patty Hopper - 2.44 & Jill Aycock - 2.90 0 - 1
Katie Mays - 3.21 & Nicole Lane - 3.17 1 - 0 1 - 0
Valerie McMichael - 3.25 & Melissa Cusimano - 3.20 0 - 1
Melissa Cusimano - 3.20 & Clare Manning - 3.24 0 - 1
Tina Ballon - 3.20 1 - 0
Kitchi Joyce - 2.78 & Kirsten Scott - 2.91 0 - 1
Kitchi Joyce - 2.78 & Susan Moss - 2.89 1 - 0
Tess Alecxih - 2.82 & Lynn Ganote - 2.64 0 - 1 0 - 1
Standard Club (Donna Meyer)*
League Record: 1 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Karen Leff - 3.21
Donna Meyer - 3.19
Rita Breier - 3.17
Karen Kaplan - 3.17
cydney goldberg - 3.09
Karen Zweber - 2.95
Andrea Cushing - 2.88
Michelle Coady - 2.86
Lisa Smith - 2.86
Rena Holland - 2.85
Brooke Blasberg - 2.85
Stephanie Rosenberg - 2.81
Jodie Jackson - 2.72
Stephanie Romm - 2.70
Rhoda Gould - 2.65
Allyson Newman - 2.58
Ronna Cohen - 2.56
Pam Martin - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Allyson Newman - 2.58 & Rhoda Gould - 2.65 0 - 1
Allyson Newman - 2.58 & Karen Zweber - 2.95 0 - 1
Allyson Newman - 2.58 & Stephanie Rosenberg - 2.81 0 - 1
Rhoda Gould - 2.65 & Karen Zweber - 2.95 1 - 0
Rhoda Gould - 2.65 & Jodie Jackson - 2.72 0 - 1
Rhoda Gould - 2.65 & Stephanie Romm - 2.70 0 - 1
Brooke Blasberg - 2.85 & cydney goldberg - 3.09 0 - 1
Brooke Blasberg - 2.85 & Stephanie Rosenberg - 2.81 0 - 1
Brooke Blasberg - 2.85 & Jodie Jackson - 2.72 0 - 1 0 - 1
Karen Leff - 3.21 & Karen Kaplan - 3.17 0 - 2
Karen Leff - 3.21 & Michelle Coady - 2.86 0 - 1 1 - 0
Karen Leff - 3.21 2 - 0
Karen Kaplan - 3.17 & Donna Meyer - 3.19 2 - 0 0 - 1
Karen Kaplan - 3.17 & Michelle Coady - 2.86 0 - 1
Pam Martin - n/a & cydney goldberg - 3.09 0 - 2
Karen Zweber - 2.95 & Ronna Cohen - 2.56 0 - 1
Ronna Cohen - 2.56 & Andrea Cushing - 2.88 0 - 1 0 - 1
Lisa Smith - 2.86 0 - 4
Stephanie Rosenberg - 2.81 0 - 1
Rena Holland - 2.85 & Rita Breier - 3.17 0 - 2
Stephanie Romm - 2.70 & Rita Breier - 3.17 1 - 0
Stephanie Romm - 2.70 & Andrea Cushing - 2.88 0 - 1
Seven Oaks (Kimberly Zachocki)*
League Record: 2 - 5
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Julie Delbalzo - 3.24
Xingzhu Li - 3.15
Jeoung Jane Kim - 3.11
Brandy Rosekrans - 3.06
Tracy Paige - 3.04
Sunu Sukumaran - 3.01
KC Shields-Lipp - 3.00
Tricia Putek - 2.94
Susan Gioia - 2.92
Amanda Bralley - 2.90
Kimberly Zachocki - 2.85
Maureen Tucker - 2.83
Ellen Li - 2.74
Carmel Bissonnette - 2.43
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Ellen Li - 2.74 & Carmel Bissonnette - 2.43 0 - 1
Ellen Li - 2.74 & Xingzhu Li - 3.15 0 - 1
Tricia Putek - 2.94 & Ellen Li - 2.74 0 - 1
Tricia Putek - 2.94 & Carmel Bissonnette - 2.43 0 - 1
Tricia Putek - 2.94 & Susan Gioia - 2.92 1 - 0
Carmel Bissonnette - 2.43 & Jeoung Jane Kim - 3.11 0 - 1
Sunu Sukumaran - 3.01 & Susan Gioia - 2.92 0 - 1 2 - 0
Sunu Sukumaran - 3.01 & Jeoung Jane Kim - 3.11 0 - 1
Kimberly Zachocki - 2.85 & KC Shields-Lipp - 3.00 1 - 0
Kimberly Zachocki - 2.85 & Brandy Rosekrans - 3.06 0 - 1
Kimberly Zachocki - 2.85 & Jeoung Jane Kim - 3.11 0 - 2 0 - 1
Tracy Paige - 3.04 & KC Shields-Lipp - 3.00 0 - 1 1 - 1
KC Shields-Lipp - 3.00 & Brandy Rosekrans - 3.06 1 - 0
Brandy Rosekrans - 3.06 & Amanda Bralley - 2.90 0 - 1
Brandy Rosekrans - 3.06 & Julie Delbalzo - 3.24 0 - 1
Amanda Bralley - 2.90 2 - 1
Julie Delbalzo - 3.24 2 - 1
Jeoung Jane Kim - 3.11 0 - 1
Maureen Tucker - 2.83 & Ellen Li - 2.74 0 - 1
Maureen Tucker - 2.83 & Susan Gioia - 2.92 0 - 1
Maureen Tucker - 2.83 & Brandy Rosekrans - 3.06 1 - 0
Maureen Tucker - 2.83 & Amanda Bralley - 2.90 0 - 1
Maureen Tucker - 2.83 & Julie Delbalzo - 3.24 1 - 0 1 - 0
St. Ives (Karen Lange)*
League Record: 1 - 6
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Julie Feltes - 3.19
liz kersh - 3.14
Lisa Rodenhiser - 3.11
Bridget Holmes - 3.09
Stephanie Beard - 3.07
Jackie Kidder - 3.07
Michele Sarkisian - 3.05
Tracey Clark - 2.99
Danette Freeman - 2.97
Cathy Fahrenkrog - 2.87
Kim Swindall - 2.81
Karen Kepler - 2.81
Dana Sullenberger - 2.76
Jan Sineway - 2.73
Karen Lange - 2.65
Pat McGinnis - 2.61
lorri miller - 2.50
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Julie Feltes - 3.19 & Stephanie Beard - 3.07 1 - 1
Julie Feltes - 3.19 & Jackie Kidder - 3.07 1 - 0
Kim Swindall - 2.81 & Jan Sineway - 2.73 0 - 2
Kim Swindall - 2.81 & Karen Lange - 2.65 0 - 1
Danette Freeman - 2.97 & Bridget Holmes - 3.09 0 - 1
Danette Freeman - 2.97 & liz kersh - 3.14 0 - 1
Danette Freeman - 2.97 & Cathy Fahrenkrog - 2.87 1 - 0
Danette Freeman - 2.97 0 - 2
Jan Sineway - 2.73 & Bridget Holmes - 3.09 1 - 0
Jan Sineway - 2.73 & Dana Sullenberger - 2.76 0 - 1
Bridget Holmes - 3.09 & lorri miller - 2.50 0 - 1
Michele Sarkisian - 3.05 1 - 1
Karen Kepler - 2.81 & Stephanie Beard - 3.07 0 - 1
Karen Kepler - 2.81 0 - 1
Pat McGinnis - 2.61 & Michele Sarkisian - 3.05 0 - 1
Pat McGinnis - 2.61 & lorri miller - 2.50 0 - 1
Pat McGinnis - 2.61 & Dana Sullenberger - 2.76 0 - 1
Tracey Clark - 2.99 & Stephanie Beard - 3.07 1 - 0
Tracey Clark - 2.99 & Jackie Kidder - 3.07 1 - 0 1 - 0
Tracey Clark - 2.99 0 - 2
Karen Lange - 2.65 & Michele Sarkisian - 3.05 0 - 1
Karen Lange - 2.65 & Lisa Rodenhiser - 3.11 1 - 1
Dana Sullenberger - 2.76 & lorri miller - 2.50 0 - 1
Dana Sullenberger - 2.76 & Cathy Fahrenkrog - 2.87 0 - 1
Jackie Kidder - 3.07 & Stephanie Beard - 3.07 0 - 1
Jackie Kidder - 3.07 & Cathy Fahrenkrog - 2.87 1 - 0 0 - 1
Cathy Fahrenkrog - 2.87 & Lisa Rodenhiser - 3.11 0 - 1
USTA Atlanta/Erin Nichols
League Record: 7 - 0
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Aimee Flores - 3.34
Emily Lovelace - 3.31
Anna Hedges - 3.30
Arlene Petrie - 3.23
Erin Nichols - 3.22
Yasamin Ilyas - 3.17
Katharine Rodgers - 3.14
Erica Mabe - 3.13
Angie Gue - 3.12
Fabienne Boy - 3.01
Aubry Canales - 2.96
Katie Shenoy - 2.92
Lindsey Kallos - 2.78
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
YUNXIA ZHU - 3.28 & Lindsey Kallos - 2.78 1 - 0
YUNXIA ZHU - 3.28 2 - 1
Emily Lovelace - 3.31 & Katie Shenoy - 2.92 1 - 0
Emily Lovelace - 3.31 & Yasamin Ilyas - 3.17 2 - 0
Emily Lovelace - 3.31 & Anna Hedges - 3.30 1 - 0
Emily Lovelace - 3.31 & Angie Gue - 3.12 1 - 0
Aimee Flores - 3.34 & Anna Hedges - 3.30 4 - 0
Aimee Flores - 3.34 2 - 0
Arlene Petrie - 3.23 & Erin Nichols - 3.22 2 - 0
Arlene Petrie - 3.23 & Anna Hedges - 3.30 0 - 1
Arlene Petrie - 3.23 & Katharine Rodgers - 3.14 2 - 0
Aubry Canales - 2.96 & Katie Shenoy - 2.92 0 - 1
Erica Mabe - 3.13 & Lindsey Kallos - 2.78 0 - 1
Erica Mabe - 3.13 & KATIE PHARR - 3.29 1 - 0
Katie Shenoy - 2.92 & Yasamin Ilyas - 3.17 1 - 0
Katie Shenoy - 2.92 & Angie Gue - 3.12 0 - 1
Fabienne Boy - 3.01 & Katharine Rodgers - 3.14 1 - 0
Erin Nichols - 3.22 & Angie Gue - 3.12 1 - 0
Erin Nichols - 3.22 & Katharine Rodgers - 3.14 1 - 0
Erin Nichols - 3.22 1 - 0
Anna Hedges - 3.30 & Katharine Rodgers - 3.14 1 - 0
Angie Gue - 3.12 & Katharine Rodgers - 3.14 0 - 1
TPC Sugarloaf (Kiersten Greeff)*
League Record: 5 - 2
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Kelah McNeill - 3.42
Sarah Longwell - 3.40
Mary Wilson - 3.28
Bridget Torregrosa - 3.19
Silvia Shingleton - 3.18
Michele Collins - 3.17
Chris McCall - 3.15
Kiersten Greeff - 3.14
Christina Volling - 3.06
Caryn Villalobos - 3.06
Meylin Gonzalez - 3.01
Elaine Richardson - 2.96
Annette Briggette - 2.92
Debbi Makarenko - 2.90
Rae Hewatt - 2.79
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Kiersten Greeff - 3.14 & Caryn Villalobos - 3.06 0 - 1 2 - 0
Kiersten Greeff - 3.14 & Meylin Gonzalez - 3.01 1 - 0
Debbi Makarenko - 2.90 & Caryn Villalobos - 3.06 0 - 1
Debbi Makarenko - 2.90 & Rae Hewatt - 2.79 0 - 1
Bridget Torregrosa - 3.19 & Chris McCall - 3.15 2 - 0 2 - 0
Bridget Torregrosa - 3.19 & Meylin Gonzalez - 3.01 1 - 0
Caryn Villalobos - 3.06 & Christina Volling - 3.06 1 - 0
Kelah McNeill - 3.42 & Sarah Longwell - 3.40 1 - 0
Meylin Gonzalez - 3.01 & Christina Volling - 3.06 1 - 0
Meylin Gonzalez - 3.01 & Rae Hewatt - 2.79 1 - 0
Christina Volling - 3.06 & Sarah Longwell - 3.40 0 - 1
Christina Volling - 3.06 1 - 0
Sarah Longwell - 3.40 1 - 1
Mary Wilson - 3.28 & Caryn Villalobos - 3.06 1 - 0
Mary Wilson - 3.28 & Michele Collins - 3.17 1 - 0 1 - 0 1 - 0
Mary Wilson - 3.28 & Silvia Shingleton - 3.18 0 - 1
Annette Briggette - 2.92 & Chris McCall - 3.15 1 - 1
Michele Collins - 3.17 & Kiersten Greeff - 3.14 1 - 0
Michele Collins - 3.17 & Kelah McNeill - 3.42 0 - 1
Elaine Richardson - 2.96 & Sarah Longwell - 3.40 0 - 1
Silvia Shingleton - 3.18 & Chris McCall - 3.15 1 - 0
Silvia Shingleton - 3.18 & Sarah Longwell - 3.40 1 - 0
Silvia Shingleton - 3.18 2 - 1
St Ives CC (Terri Noble)*
League Record: 4 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Terri Noble - 3.48
Michele Bishop - 3.20
Susan Oh - 3.18
Teri Hung - 3.17
Holly Howell - 3.15
Tejal Patel - 3.12
Renee Miller - 3.11
Colleen Scruggs - 3.08
Rosana Pruitt - 3.07
Kimberly Kaiser - 3.06
ellen lark - 2.99
Melissa Crudo - 2.99
Misti Howie - 2.88
Lyn Reaves - 2.86
Megan Ryan - 2.82
Dianne Willis - 2.81
Gail Krawford - 2.66
Diann Denny - n/a
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Gail Krawford - 2.66 & Misti Howie - 2.88 0 - 1
Gail Krawford - 2.66 & Dianne Willis - 2.81 0 - 1
Lyn Reaves - 2.86 & Rosana Pruitt - 3.07 1 - 0
Lyn Reaves - 2.86 & Kimberly Kaiser - 3.06 0 - 1
Lyn Reaves - 2.86 & Holly Howell - 3.15 0 - 1
Misti Howie - 2.88 & Terri Noble - 3.48 0 - 1
Misti Howie - 2.88 & Susan Oh - 3.18 0 - 1
Misti Howie - 2.88 & Holly Howell - 3.15 1 - 0
ellen lark - 2.99 & Diann Denny - n/a 1 - 0
ellen lark - 2.99 & Susan Oh - 3.18 1 - 0
Tejal Patel - 3.12 & Renee Miller - 3.11 0 - 1
Tejal Patel - 3.12 0 - 2
Terri Noble - 3.48 & Renee Miller - 3.11 1 - 0
Colleen Scruggs - 3.08 & Kimberly Kaiser - 3.06 1 - 0
Colleen Scruggs - 3.08 & Susan Oh - 3.18 2 - 0
Rosana Pruitt - 3.07 & Megan Ryan - 2.82 1 - 0
Kimberly Kaiser - 3.06 0 - 1
Teri Hung - 3.17 2 - 1
Dianne Willis - 2.81 & Megan Ryan - 2.82 0 - 1
Megan Ryan - 2.82 & Holly Howell - 3.15 1 - 0
Melissa Crudo - 2.99 & ellen lark - 2.99 0 - 1 0 - 1
Melissa Crudo - 2.99 & Terri Noble - 3.48 1 - 0
Melissa Crudo - 2.99 & Colleen Scruggs - 3.08 0 - 1
Melissa Crudo - 2.99 & Renee Miller - 3.11 0 - 1
Michele Bishop - 3.20 & Misti Howie - 2.88 0 - 1
Michele Bishop - 3.20 & ellen lark - 2.99 1 - 0
Michele Bishop - 3.20 & Renee Miller - 3.11 1 - 0 1 - 0
TPC Sugarloaf (Patrece May)*
League Record: 4 - 3
The Following Have Played In League Matches On This Team (In Rating Order)
Katy Southern - 3.58
Kelly Nguyen - 3.42
Amy Kirkus - 3.37
Melani Chumley - 3.28
Malia Mixon - 3.18
simone phillips - 3.15
Kari Clark - 3.14
Sandra Read - 3.06
Patrece May - 3.04
Alexis Shin - 3.02
Jennifer Rayl - 2.99
Debbie McGrath - 2.95
Maria Migliore - 2.93
Laura Cegalis - 2.79
League Results By Position
1S 1D 2D 3D 4D
Malia Mixon - 3.18 & Melani Chumley - 3.28 2 - 1 0 - 1
Laura Cegalis - 2.79 & Jennifer Rayl - 2.99 1 - 0
Alexis Shin - 3.02 & Kari Clark - 3.14 2 - 0
Alexis Shin - 3.02 & Jennifer Rayl - 2.99 0 - 1 1 - 0
Jennifer Rayl - 2.99 & simone phillips - 3.15 0 - 1
Kelly Nguyen - 3.42 & Melani Chumley - 3.28 1 - 0
simone phillips - 3.15 6 - 0
Katy Southern - 3.58 & Patrece May - 3.04 1 - 0 1 - 0
Debbie McGrath - 2.95 & Laura Cegalis - 2.79 1 - 0
Debbie McGrath - 2.95 & Alexis Shin - 3.02 1 - 0
Maria Migliore - 2.93 & Sandra Read - 3.06 0 - 1 1 - 3
Patrece May - 3.04 & Malia Mixon - 3.18 0 - 1
Patrece May - 3.04 & Amy Kirkus - 3.37 1 - 0
Patrece May - 3.04 & Melani Chumley - 3.28 0 - 2